Shine Pedalers Metric 2018, Saturday July 28 – Dawsonville, GA

Shine Runners Metric Logo

Metric Century and Half Century offers a challenging ride through the rolling hills of Dawson County. This ride starts and finishes a the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame and Dawsonville Moonshine Distillery. The ride includes light breakfast, themed SAG stops, rolling support, and lunch at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame. Goody bags and t-shirts are guaranteed for riders that register before July 16, 2018. T’shirts are designed by Stand and Hammer, be sure to register by July 16th to guarantee your shirt.

Event Website Here

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Join the Southern Appalachian Bicycle Association:

Individual - $30.00 yearly

Family - $40.00 yearly

Corporate - $125.00 yearly

Calendar of Events:

We’re Affilliated:

The LAB leads the movement to create a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone. As leaders, their commitment is to listen and learn, define standards and share best practices to engage diverse communities and build a powerful, unified voice for change.

Trail Conditions

We update our local trail conditions at Trailforks. You can rate trails, share, and plan your rides as well!

Our Sponsors

Andrews North Carolina Chamber of Commerce
Blairsville Bikes & Gear Logo
SABA Members get 10% off on parts and accessories with membership card at Blairsville Bikes & Gear in Blairsville, GA!
Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce - Cherokee County, NC
Clay County Chamber of Commerce - Clay County, NC
Ferncrest Winery - Andrews, NC
Mountain Eye Care Logo
Ragon Creative - Andrews, NC
The Hayesville Bike Shop Logo
Natural Landscaping Services Logo
Walnut Hollow Ranch Logo

Area Information:

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